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January 22, 2014
1984: Jean Dubuffet @ State of Illinois Building
Jean Dubuffet
"Monument a la Bete Debout"
1984, modeled on a piece from 1969
Fiberglass, paint, polyurethane
The James R. Thompson Center at the State of Illinois Building
Randolph Street at Clark Street
Chicago, IL
"Monument à la bête debout," or, "Monument with Standing Beast," 1984, by Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985), stands roughly 10 meters tall, occupying the southeast corner of the James R. Thompson Center, immediately outside of architect Helmut Jahn's State of Illinois Building, in downtown Chicago. The piece was commissioned by the state's Capital Development Board through the Illinois Art-in-Architecture (AIA) program; significant funding was provided by the Leonard J. Horwich Family Foundation and the Graham Foundation.
Image (1) August 20, 2006, facing north;
Image (2) August 20, 2006, facing south;
Copyright Paul E. Germanos.
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